Located at the corner of Rt. 940 & Rt. 115
5669 PA Rt. 115, Blakeslee, PA

Upcoming Events

The Blakeslee Community Center has some free and fun community events planned in the upcoming months:

FRIDAY, MARCH 21,  Community Game Night 7:00pm

SATURDAY, APRIL 26, EGGstended Easter Egg Hunt & Picnic 1:00pm

SUNDAY, MAY 18, "Dessert Duel" (details coming soon)

If you would like to help with a community event, please contact us at blakesleecommunitycenter@gmail.com or call 570-646-6838.

Open Mic Night
Open Mic Night is the Last Thursday of Every Month: 7:00-9:00pm

Poets, Storytellers, Comedians, Musicians welcome to share their talents. Open to everyone

Mark these dates in your calendar, and plan to join neighbors and friends for the fun!

Community dinners are not just a thing of days gone by.

At the Blakeslee Community Center they are making a come back!

These, and several other free social events, are drawing Pennsylvanians of all ages into this historic building where they are finding camaraderie. Young and old are sharing their lives, and together, they are discovering that our history and our historic places come alive. So stories of the past are influencing the adventures of the future. This love of our history only takes root when there is something tangible encouraging it. Preservation of this irreplaceable building is the medium for this. It is a place that draws everyone in the area- students, citizens, municipal staff, and local officials and leaders - to invest in the future by preserving the history.

So please join us, become a member today, and help keep this gem alive and thriving!

Original Community Center

Creating opportunities for fellowship and new friendships

Show your support through financial donations or by joining us for one of our community meetings

Help us protect and preserve this space for future generations.